Hot on the heals of the successful defeat of the move to impose SOPA / PIPA, a new even more dangerous piece of legislation seems to have just reared it’s ugly head. This follows the the recent action against one of the web’s most prominent file sharing networks MegaUpload(being taken down), showing us that though […]
WordPress Web Designer & Developer
Period: 2010 – Present Since November 2010 a large portion of my work has been devoted to a US based web marketing company Gotcha Local Marketing. I’ve been responsible for Designing, Developing & Consulting on various web based projects on a monthly basis. Responsibilities: Design, Web Development, WordPress Theme Development & Maintenance, Web Strategy, A/B […]
The anti-SOPA movement is in full effect with SOPA Blackout Day
Today, January 18 is SOPA Blackout Day, and international internet strike aimed at voicing opposition to the internet censorship bill SOPA/PIPA being pushed through by the US government. WordPress are fully behind the anti-SOPA movement, as well as many other major web players like Wikipedia. is purposely censored today in protest. Wikipedia is about […]
Impressed with WordPress 3.3 UI changes
WordPress has just releases version 3.3 with an impressive list of UI enhancements to further improve the ease of use of our favourite CMS
Freelance Web Design & Development Lecturer
Period: 2008 – 2011 Teaching part time classes on screen design theory, HTML & CSS & WordPress Theme Development. I developed the WordPress Theme Development curriculum as well as a Screen Design Theory Curriculum for some of the courses covered. I’ve also serviced various clients on behalf of Friends of Design including the Auditor General’s […]
My First WordPress Tut on – WordPress Training Wheels
I’ve been teaching WordPress theme development for the past few years, not an extremely advanced curriculum, but the nuts and bolts. Yesterday I had my first tutorial published on envato networks new site. It’s great to see your work published in recogonised spaces. I hope to roll out at least another 8 – 10 […]