I’m not a big reader when it comes to novels and function in general, I just find the fantasy a bit of a waste of time to be honest. But when it comes to books covering practical knowledge on the stuff that matters to me, I’m a bit OCD.
So i’ve been trying to clear out some of the books I haven’t been using in a while and I found a set of real gems from my Web, Strategy, Creativity, Productivity collection. Each of these books has played a major role in helping me get to grips with the range of subjects I need to keep myself informed on as a Web & Creative Professional.
These books cover a wide range of subjects from Coding & Coding Standards, to Productivity, Time Management, Marketing & Communications Strategy, Web Strategy, Usability, Creative Thinking. The information contained in these books should be enough to get any web novice up to speed with the principles and methods needed to dive straight into the web industry. They’re also a great resource or reference for anyone working in this industry or teaching/presenting on these topics.
- The Open Brand: When Push Comes to Pull in a Web-Made World
- Six Thinking Hats – EDWARD DE BONO
- Lateral Thinking: A Textbook of Creativity – Edward De Bono
- The 4-Hour Work Week and Timothy Ferriss
- The Truth about Email Marketing – Jenkins
- rework – 37 Signals
- don’t make me think – Steve Krug – New Riders
- building findable websites – New Riders
- Introducing HTML5 – Lawson Sharp – New Riders
- Designing for Web Standards – Second Edition – Jeffrey Zeldman
- The Ultimate CSS Reference – Sitepoint
- A Designer’s Research Manual – Jenn + Ken Visocky O’Grady
- eMarketing eXellence – Chaffey Smith – Third Edition
- Starting & Running a Successful Consultancy – How To Books
- The Art & Science of CSS – Sitepoint
- Logo Lounge 2 – Rockport
I’m planning on selling this entire stash to the highest bidder to make space for some new material.