
  • Selling my Web, Strategy, Creativity, Productivity Books

    I’m not a big reader when it comes to novels and function in general, I just find the fantasy a bit of a waste of time to be honest. But when it comes to books covering practical knowledge on the stuff that matters to me, I’m a bit OCD.

    So i’ve been trying to clear out some of the books I haven’t been using in a while and I found a set of real gems from my Web, Strategy, Creativity, Productivity collection. Each of these books has played a major role in helping me get to grips with the range of subjects I need to keep myself informed on as a Web & Creative Professional.

    These books cover a wide range of subjects from Coding & Coding Standards, to Productivity, Time Management, Marketing & Communications Strategy, Web Strategy, Usability, Creative Thinking. The information contained in these books should be enough to get any web novice up to speed with the principles and methods needed to dive straight into the web industry. They’re also a great resource or reference for anyone working in this industry or teaching/presenting on these topics.

    1. The Open Brand: When Push Comes to Pull in a Web-Made World
    2. Six Thinking Hats – EDWARD DE BONO
    3. Lateral Thinking: A Textbook of Creativity – Edward De Bono
    4. The 4-Hour Work Week and Timothy Ferriss
    5. The Truth about Email Marketing – Jenkins
    6. rework – 37 Signals
    7. don’t make me think – Steve Krug – New Riders
    8. building findable websites – New Riders
    9. Introducing HTML5 – Lawson Sharp – New Riders
    10. Designing for Web Standards – Second Edition – Jeffrey Zeldman
    11. The Ultimate CSS Reference – Sitepoint
    12. A Designer’s Research Manual – Jenn + Ken Visocky O’Grady
    13. eMarketing eXellence – Chaffey Smith – Third Edition
    14. Starting & Running a Successful Consultancy – How To Books
    15. The Art & Science of CSS – Sitepoint
    16. Logo Lounge 2 – Rockport

    I’m planning on selling this entire stash to the highest bidder to make space for some new material.

  • After the fall of SOPA, ACTA, Google & Twitter sneaks in back door censorship

    Hot on the heals of the successful defeat of the move to impose SOPA / PIPA, a new even more dangerous piece of legislation seems to have just reared it’s ugly head. This follows the the recent action against one of the web’s most prominent file sharing networks MegaUpload(being taken down), showing us that though the legislation has not come into effect yet, Governments are easily able to take action in terms of the spirit of these pieces of legislation without any problems.

    The Case of Kim “DotCom”, owner of MegaUploads may not be the best of examples seeing the guy was living a really lavish and unbecoming lifestyle off of the profits generated from his network. What is significant is that MegaUpload was one of the largest, accounting for almost 1% of US net traffic with a huge following.

    So it comes as no surprise that an even more widespread and possibly mroe dangerous piece of legislation is being forced through not only in the US but internationally. One of the most concerning factors in this Saga is the timing of all of this, co-inciding with a wide range of other legal actions taken by governments to curtail civil liberties and to clamp down on the free spread of infomation which governments deem a threat. Wikipedia defines ACTA as

    The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a draft plurilateral agreement for the purpose of establishing international standards forintellectual property rights enforcement.

    It will become mandatory for ISP’s to enforce the legislation or become liable for it’s contravention should their user’s be found guilty.

    We’ve seen additional corrosion of privacy from most notably Google with it’s new unified Privacy Policy seen by many as a mere announcement of intent to spy and share personal information including communications, interests and inclinations of it’s users in a more comprehensive manner.

    Twitters new censorship policy of taking down content on a country by country basis surfaces at exactly the same time. No doubt these are all linked, and the decisions by these major players have been informed by their consultation with the authorities who use these tools to track sentiment and clamp down on objectors.

    After witnessing clamp downs on social media and spread of information connected to the Arab spring, and the stifling of the OWS movement in the US, these pieces of legislation no doubt have more than piracy as a target.

    It’s up to us, citizens of the web to organise, speak out and strategize ways to keep our world alive, free and safe so we can continue to make our voices heard, and protect ourselves from the times to come.

    Check out Electronics Frontier Foundation, for the latest info and action on net privacy, activism and related issues. Sign the Avaaz Anti ACTA petition –


  • WordPress Web Designer & Developer

    Period: 2010 – Present

    Since November 2010 a large portion of my work has been devoted to a US based web marketing company Gotcha Local Marketing. I’ve been responsible for Designing, Developing & Consulting on various web based projects on a monthly basis.


    Design, Web Development, WordPress Theme Development & Maintenance, Web Strategy, A/B split testing & usability, online marketing campaigns, web maintenance service. The company specialises in developing niche marketing web marketing programs and as ventured into setting up a few startup ventures, none of which I can mention by name at this point.

  • The anti-SOPA movement is in full effect with SOPA Blackout Day

    Today, January 18 is SOPA Blackout Day, and international internet strike aimed at voicing opposition to the internet censorship bill SOPA/PIPA being pushed through by the US government. WordPress are fully behind the anti-SOPA movement, as well as many other major web players like Wikipedia. is purposely censored today in protest.

    Wikipedia is about to Join the Blackout as well

    To learn more about SOPA, The “Stop Online Piracy Act”, visit the wikipedia page dedicated to explaining the details – Stop Online Piracy Act. We have no doubt that anti-Piracy is being used as a guise to clampdown in the freedom of spreading information and on legitimate free speech. Personally I’m not concerned about  prevention of actual piracy as i support this in that stealing other people’s products is obviously wrong. I am more concerned of the hidden agendas and ripple effect of consequences which this piece of legislation attempts to establish.

    Some of the big players opposing the Bill include Facebook, Google, Twitter, eBay, Yahoo!, Mozilla, Wikipedia, WordPress.

    Check out what Mashable had to say about Why SOPA is Dangerous.

    Join the protest –

    A Wide range of WordPress Plugins exist to support the Anti-SOPA movement – Some are even going to the extent of laying the ground for establishing an alternative internet to circumvent censorship and governmental controls by working on a plan to launch an Internet in space – German Hacker Group Working on Space Internet

  • Impressed with WordPress 3.3 UI changes

    I must admit I’ve only been following the latest round of updates to WordPress from a distance, but when I received the official 3.3 release notice this morning from Matt Mullenweg I upgraded immediately. I’m really loving the UI enhancements, and little dialogues as I go through the upgraded interface.

    First off the welcome message, and pointer tips, though not needed for my experience of WordPress would most definitely enhance the newbie’s experience. And the ability for developers to hook into this feature with their own tips and helpguides takes the ease of use of WordPress to another level.

    The reductions of clicks in using the interface which include instant flyout menus and drag & drop uploader for media, as well as media detection during upload shows that the developers at WordPress are pushing further and further to make it the ultimate user experience.

    Quoting Matt Mullenweg at one of his state of the Word addresses.

    “So easy even a caveman can do it”

    They’ve really put their actions behind this statement, integrating a number of help features including an enhanced help slideout menu with contextual tips and guides to make the user’s experience pleasurable.

    You need look no further than the homepage to know that ease of use, and minimal distraction free content creation is a fundamental part of the direction they’re moving in.

    WordPress does certainly keep us WP professionals on our toes though, especially so those developing training materials and guides, their regular UI updates means we need to re-create our materials regularly to reflect the changes.

    [box type=”alert” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Before you upgrade though, make sure you’re fully backed up and that any themes or plugins which power your site are compatible with the latest release. [/box]

    I’m generally more trusting of the upgrades so I wildy go about upgrading this site specifically as soon as upgrades appear.

  • Freelance Web Design & Development Lecturer

    Period: 2008 – 2011

    Teaching part time classes on screen design theory, HTML & CSS & WordPress Theme Development. I developed the WordPress Theme Development curriculum as well as a Screen Design Theory Curriculum for some of the courses covered. I’ve also serviced various clients on behalf of Friends of Design including the Auditor General’s Office of Botswana, Multichoice DSTV in Johannesburg and CPUT where I taught their students a 5 week web development course.

    Reference: Eva Csernyanszky (Director of Friends of Design) – [email protected]