Working on the SA Climate Crisis logo design for Andre Bothma, lead me to finding some interesting resources online. There’s a ton of stuff out there to help us focus on cutting down our carbon footprints and live a life which is less taxing on the environment. One site in particular,, has a collection […]
An e-Napkin for those coffee shop Brainstorms – I’d buy one of these
Yanko Design is one of my Favourite sources of juicy product design from the drawing boards of some of the most forward thinking product designers out there. Design Sojourn drew my attention to another insanely cool product idea they’re showcasing. Recently I blogged about Sustainable sneakers, e-Write Boards and the MacBook Air but this next […]
SA Blog awards nominations to kick off soon – do I stand a chance?
Some of you might know that the South African Blog Awards group met to plan the event a few days ago at Cafe Neo in Mouille Point Cape Town. I tried to make it but missed the boat by about 30 minutes or so and caught Dave Duarte hanging around afterwards meeting with some people. […]
A Quick Thought on Drinking at Gatherings & Conferences
Something which has become extremely positive over the last year or 2 is the increase in conferences,(un)conferences and other types of collaborative & knowledge sharing gatherings being held in Cape Town. There are many events of this nature I wish I could attend but prefer to stay away from due to my beliefs. One of […]
Macbook Air, a breath of freshness
Can someone hire me for a high paying project right now please so I can order one of these beauties. I’ve been waiting for ages for a notebook which is as light and easy to carrying around as this one. There loads of tablet PC’s and other mini-laptop types out there but this one is […]
iPod nano, my favourite new toy / tool
I wrote about winning an iPod a little while ago, something I was ecstatic about at the time. I had no idea though just how much this little device would change my life so I feel I have to share the benefits of owning an iPod nano. I say iPod nano because I don’t have […]