I’ve been teaching WordPress theme development for the past few years, not an extremely advanced curriculum, but the nuts and bolts. Yesterday I had my first tutorial published on envato networks new wptutsplus.com site. It’s great to see your work published in recogonised spaces. I hope to roll out at least another 8 – 10 of these tuts covering all the basic to intermediate aspects of building basic WordPress themes from scratch.
One of the important aspects of the course is the Learning theme which I’ve labelled Training Wheels. It builds from a simple HTML template, and over the next few lessons will grow to contain all the major functions and templates required of a fully fledged theme. The Template will be fully commented to facilitate a slow transition into understanding the purpose of each WordPress function added to the HTML.
If you’ve got HTML skills and have been wanting to learn WordPress Theme development this is gonna be just the tutorial series you’ve been looking for. I personally struggled from the beginning with tuts that merely dump huge chunks of code on you and say, “Paste Here”. This is going to be a step by step guide.
I’m also working on setting up my offline WordPress Theme Development course located at wpbedouine.com.