Tag: smart phone

  • Modular Smart Phone by Phonebloks – So cool I had to share

    broken iPhone
    Photo by Lars Plougmann on Flickr

    I haven’t posted anything to any of my sites for absolutely ages but the following project is just so inspiring and “necessary” that I thought it’s a definite must share. I know more than anyone else the problem we have with our “smart device” becoming unusable because one small little part broke. In many cases the cost of repairs are so high we end up tossing the device and just getting another, which is an extremely wasteful practice. My daughter just washed my iPhone and destroyed the screen. Even though all the other parts work perfectly fine the phone is useless and I’m struggling to find someone to repair it at a decent rate. I wouldn’t have a problem if I was using a Phonebloks Modular Smart Phone.


    A phone only lasts a couple of years before it breaks or becomes obsolete. Although it’s often just one part that killed it, we throw everything away because it’s almost impossible to repair or upgrade.


    Phonebloks is made of detachable bloks. The bloks are connected to the base which locks everything together into a solid phone. If a blok breaks you can easily replace it; if it’s getting old just upgrade.

    Modular and Reusable Phoneblocks
    Modular and Reusable Phonebloks

    I’m absolutely stunned that we’ve come so far without solutions like these becoming mainstream. Of course we know that’s driven by the consumerism being shoved down our throats by the corporations merely interested in profits and not sustainability. If we can use collaboration and networking to create mass movements we can surely get 1 simple and very necessary product developed.

    A movement not a product

    I think The Phonebloks project is more of a movement that a 1 off product and deserves our energies to see it realized. These types of solutions are what improve people’s lives drastically while not completely destroying the environment. It’s a matter of changing our mindsets and looking further than the status of the latest and most flashy device.

    I highly recommend giving this project your support, getting the word out there and adding your voice to the Thunderclap.

    I’m working with another like minded designer to create a community directory of dwelling modules along a similar lines. It’s called Wikidwell, the brainchild of Irina Papuc. It will contain fully modular items, free of toxins and completely recyclable