I Found the following article very apt with regard to the current perceptions by many business people regarding the benefits of a good logo and what they are prepared to “invest” in it.
Jacob of Just Creative Design wrote Why logo design does not cost $5.00 in which he mentions:
- A logo is the very first impression people get of your company
- A logo needs longevity
- A logo needs to be original
- A logo should look professional
- A logo should reflect the time and thought gone in to designing it
- A logo is the starting point of your whole corporate image
Many people don’t understand either the value a well designed logo can add to their Brand Image or the effort it takes to design a logo which will add that value.
Misconceptions part of the problem
It’s extremely frustrating dealing with clients who don’t appreciate the time, effort and consideration required to develop a logo which does justice to what they are trying to sell. Many people think the designer should go off on their own with a company name and re-appear with a brilliant perfectly suited design.
Briefing a designer is very much about setting constraints, boundaries for the creative process not to cross, which will make for a more targeted and relevant solution.
I have also found people do not want to engage with the design process and expect to see a final perfect design which solves all their problems with actually spending he time to convey to the designer what their business is all about.
My perspective on Logo Design
Logo design or any design for that matter has got nothing to do with guess work. It’s also got little to do with dreaming up great ideas out of nothing. It takes alot of thinking, researching, exploring, questioning and experience to bring together all the elements needed to realise a great looking and functioning logo.
So what do you think a Logo design Should Cost?
What have you paid or have you heard of others paying?
Post your comments below