I’m so disappointed to be out of town for this event that I’m thinking about attending virtually. How? Using MSN & a webcam and linking up with anyone at the event willing to do the same. I think doing so will be a great way to extend the attendance and show the power of online communications channels.
Started in Boston, MA, USA in September 2006, PodCamp was born.
In the same style as BarCamp, PodCamp is a community driven UnConference for anybody and everybody in New Media. Whether you create and/or consume content by podcasting, listening, blogging, reading, producing video, watching and anything else that is New Media
Check out the PodCamp wiki for more info on other PodCamps around the world.
First prize would be if we could organize for me to do a short presentation via msn onto a big screen and get some people to interact with me. I’ve got some ideas on collaboration which I’d like to share and looking for some insight into developing a few projects further.
If anyone out there is attending … and I recommend you do if you have any interest in new media or media in general, then help me do the same by taking along your webcam & laptop (free broadband will be provided at the event by Skyrove). It’s a chance to start interacting in a new way and adding another dimension to you experience of this event, as well as to showcase the power of networking and technology.
my msn address is [email protected]
Drop me a mail at [email protected] and let me know if you’re interested in helping me out on this one.
Happy eventing!!!