Some of you might have heard about Blog action day last year. It’s an annual event setup by Envato (ex eden creations) to motivate bloggers to focus on a specific issue on a specific day by blogging about it in whatever way they see fit. By doing so bloggers worldwide created hype around environmental issues last year. This year Poverty is the main focus of the event.
Global issues like poverty are extremely complex. There is no simple,
clear answer. By asking thousands of different people to give their
viewpoints and opinions, Blog Action Day creates an extraordinary lens
through which to view these issues. Each blogger brings their own
perspective and ideas. Each blogger posts relating to their own blog
topic. And each blogger engages their audience differently.
Blog Action Day 08 aims to focus the lens on the issue of poverty and change the conversation on the web on one specific day. The idea is to stimulate discussion, debate and hopefully come out with some solutions to tackling Poverty woldwide.
Bloggers are playing an increasingly important role in tackling social issues through awareness campaigns and by influencing activism. This year’s blog action day has taken the effort a step up by providing resources for bloggers to understand the issues which contribute to poverty.
If you’re interested in participating in this event you can register your blog to notify the site that you will be participating. The next step would be to work on your personal part of blog action day by writing a post/s, creating a podcast or video cast, and then posting these on 15 October 2008.
Some Big web 2.0 names ave gotten behind the event this year including Tech Crunch & Read Write Web so make sure you join the effort to tackle Global Poverty blogger style.
At the same time, in your local setting don’t forget to make the life of a poor person easier in whatever way you can by feeding, clothing or facilitating ife for them in some way.