This is a really old post, for some of my more recent Logo design Work please visit my Logo design Page or my Company’s Portfolio Page. Hire me to design your next Logo, I promise I won’t disappoint!
If you’ve heard about *Camp Cape Town (pronounced Star Camp), which will be happening in a few weeks time (on December 8th and 9th), have a quick squizz at these logo ideas I designed for the event. I quickly put a few designs together as a way to contribute my little piece to this very interesting pie and would love your feedback.
The *Camp builds on the 2006 BarCamp Cape Town, the GeekDinner movement started post-BarCamp Cape Town, and the 27dinner phenomenon of finding new ways to get people together to learn from each other and to learn _of_ each other, to help build the Cape as a leader in business and technology.
For those of you not familiar with these events, they are a new (well new to many) style, think tank/collaborative events or (un)conferences. The participants organize the event and set the agenda. It’s a great way to learn from others, share ideas and get involved with people you may never otherwise interact with. Visit to see all the details and sign up to attend. If you have any comments or ideas for the logos, let me know by submitting a comment on this post. You also stand a chance to Win a Brand Spanking new Logo Design by entering my Logo Design Questions & Answers competition. Click Here to enter. Below is one of the recommended modified Logo Designs requested by benevolent dictator Neil. What do you guys think of this one? Some more options based on feedback from those commenting on this page.