Islamic Research

Asalaamu alaikum warahmatAllahi wabarakaatuhu.

BismilLahi Rahmaani Raheem

Research Assignment for Developing Digital Islamic Educational Platforms

Dear brother and sister. We are working on the design and development of an Islamic Research & Educational platform which we hope and pray that we will be able to successfully complete. We pray it will be of benefit to ourselves and to others. May Allah grant us sincerity of intention and the Taufeeq to see this through.

The current technology available to us and access to the internet makes it so easy to access more knowledge than we have ever been able to access. We are close to being able to hold within the palm of our hands to sum total of Islamic Knowledge in the form of the available Islamic texts translated into many languages and explained to us in all it’s detail.

This provides us with huge opportunities for our Islamic development and yet at the same time creates many challenges. In order to leverage the available technologies, methodologies of teaching, methods of learning and transfer of information we need to understand people’s current experience of accessing Islamically orientated knowledge and information. We have put together the Survey below as one of the very first steps in a series of steps to understand how Muslims experience learning about Islam through digital technology.

We humbly request that you complete the survey below in as much detail as possible and be part of the early stages of creating mechanisms of spreading Islamic knowledge which may serve as a catalyst for the transformation of the Ummah.

Please share this survey with the words below or similar:

Asalaamu alaikum, please assist us in gathering some feedback on how digital media could assist in improving Islamic Knowledge –

  • Click the social icons floating to the right of this page to share.
  • You Can Save The form and return to complete more detail
  • Only provide the details you are able to, no mandatories, be yourself
  • We want to know what can be improved so be as constructive as you need to be

Please contact me on [email protected] if you are able to speak on skype for a few minutes about your impressions of or your other favourite islamic sites or if you have any problems with this form.

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