Category: Typography

  • Custom Word Cloud images, using Wordle

    I’m very much a fan of tag-clouds and have noticed a trend in typographic design to make more interesting use of them in experimental typographic designs. is a free online tool you can use to generate a custom coloured Word Cloud using either word’s of your choice, your site’s RSS feed to pull your site’s tags or your delicious feed. I’ve played with it and generated the following images, and with a few flexible tools you can create even more interesting versions of your selected list of keywords.


  • Introduction to typography, nice video

    1500547340_66564a86a4_bWith the re-design of my identity, my blog’s theme and a few logo design projects I’ve started paying a little more attention to typography than I am used to. This is of course a positive thing as typography plays an enormous role in Graphic design & visual communication. I’ve also recently watched the Helvetica Film, an inspiring documentary about the history of one of the world’s most popular and influential typefaces.

    Creative Commons License credit: Aeioux

    Typography is an area of design I plan to spend a little extra time focusing on and hunting around online for some inspiration I came across this cool little introductory video which gives us an in-a-nutshell explanation of what typography is. Enjoy

    [youtube 2o1U4o1bc2k Typography Intro]