Category: Case Studies

  • Misk Brand

    Exploring the Problem space

    As part of an existing social enterprise our team explored the idea of creating an innovation unit which could serve as an engine for research, new ideas and sustainability for the rest of the organisation.

    As a team we explored ideas, problems and challenges we needed to figure out and what shape this unit could take.

    Business Modelling

    Besides problem and solution we needed to be sure we have a business model in place that effectively addresses the issues of sustainability.

    Brand DNA

    After having a much clear idea of the shape of our innovation unit, we needed to dig deeper into the soul of this brand and understand what it’s essence is all about, how to give it a meaningful personality and bring it to life.

    Brand DNA Exploration

    Logo Visual Exploration

    With the Brand’s core characteristics and purpose mapped out I went off into conceptual and visual exploration building on ideas we had discussed and trying to find the visual thread to string everything together.


    A range of concepts were identified for further development

    Work in Progress. Check out the company behind the brand at

  • Shuttleworth Redesign

    I’ve worked with the Shuttleworth Foundation for a number of years between 2009 and 2014 redesigning their website at least 3 times in this time. They happen to be one of my favourite clients as well.

    The 4th iteration of the Shuttleworth Foundation’s website we have worked on has just been completed, moving completely away from WordPress onto the Flat File Jekyll framework. The homepage contains all the essential information in one place with main menu anchored to each primary information section. The persistent header makes navigating the site easy. The main focus on this design was simplicity and elegance in conveying the foundation’s primary message.

    Understanding Site Usage

    Planning the site Structure

    Planning our the critical elements

    Wireframes before design

    Final Design