Skye News WordPress Theme by Elevate & nomad-one

Earlier in the year, a well known premium wordpress theme developer(Nathan Rice) announced that he would be embarking on an open source wordpress theme project and that he was looking for designers who wanted to collaborate with him. Of course as a wordpress nut I jumped at the opportunity and offered my services.

I whipped up a this quick design and zipped it through to him a little later. Since then Nathan has been quietly busy getting his ducks in a row with what has now launched as, a freemium theme project.

The design I sent Nathan has formed the basis for what was released as the first elevate theme called Skye News. Nathan has significantly simplified the design, but has packed some really great features into the coding of this new release which can be demo’ed here.

I think what I’m going to attempt is to download this baby and try to style it to look a little closer to my original design which I will then send to Nathan to add to elevate themes as a Skye News alternative.

Go check out elevate themes yourself and if you’re a bit of a theme design why not chip and and send some designs of your own or offer to code up someone else’s design?

Check out and gime a shout if you like the theme and need some theme customization.


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