Logo Design Competition entries are now closed

All good things must come to an end as they say. The Logo Design Questions & Answers competition, which has been running here at nomad-one.com has come to an end for now and the winner will be announces very soon.

So far, setting up this little competition has allowed me to focus on the theoretical or technical aspects of Logo Design. It has helped me get back to the nuts and bolts of it so to speak, and to get together a collection of best practices which has already started influencing how I go about Designing Logos. All in all, the competition from my perspective has been a great success, so much so that I’ve been thinking about having it as a standard feature on my site with a winner chosen every 2 months.

I haven’t chosen the first winner yet

There have been a few last minute entries and I’m also a little confused as to which questions deserve to win. I hoped there would be a question which stood out head & shoulders above the rest, but there are a few good ones and I want to take some time to decide.

I was thinking of opening it up for a vote

The questions already have ratings and can be rated once per visitor. I’m not sure if this is viable due to the slow traffic at this time of year though.

I was also considering asking the entrants to post a motivation as to why they think their question is a winner. This would help me with my decision.

The questions which stand out for me so far are:

# 7 – Should the values of my organisation be reflected in its logo, and how would a designer go about communicating these values visually and in an enticing fashion?

# 10 – Ok, so I’ve got a logo but I think it’s starting to look out of date. I’m also worried that we shouldn’t change our branding when we’re already recognised by it. What can I do?

# 11 – Is there a difference between a logo and a brand and if so how are the two connected?

#14 – Logo’s these days are designed to flashy shiny and very web2.0 … what are the principles that you would use to design a timeless classic.

What do you think? Check out the questions on the Logo Design Q & A page and post a comment or a motivation as to why your question, if you asked one; should win.

I’m also interested to know:

  • What you guys think of the competition?
  • Was it useful?
  • Any ideas on how to improve it?
  • What do you think of my choices for the winning Question?
  • What else would you like to see happening at nomad-one.com

Blog Design Questions & Answers Competition to start soon …


6 responses to “Logo Design Competition entries are now closed”

  1. Jayesh Avatar

    The questions you have listed as standing out are the questions you will find in any branding website in their FAQs. While many of the questions look copy paste from other branding websites.
    Q12, Q15 and Q16 are the only ones which sound genuine. Just my openion as you asked for it 🙂

  2. Nomad Avatar

    Mmmm, thanks for your feedback Jayesh. It would be helpful if you could forward me the links to those branding websites as I’m always interested in seeing what other people are discussing.

    I knew not everyone would agree on my choices and that’s why I asked for feedback. I hope more people will submit their opinions. What’s your favourite question? Or should I assume it’s the one you asked.

    I think the reason why the last few questions seemed more different is because people don’t want to repeat the same questions asked by others so the more questions there are the more interesting new question need to be in order to compete for the best question.

    Thanks for your opinion Jayesh.

  3. kmf Avatar

    I can assure you ….#14 … I came up by myself 😀
    I know this guy who works with alot of Corporate Identity stuff …. and we where having the discussion the other day.

    I thought I would just relay it to you to see if I can win a LOGO 😀

  4. Manoj Avatar

    even my question was genuine… I am actually wanting to change the entire theme of my site to CSS switchable shades.. it shud be color of Kiwi Fruit and related… however, I want changing theme and hence had put the question – the changing logo color or fixed one.
    neways 🙁

  5. Nomad Avatar

    @ kmf & Manoj, don’t stress guys, I know your questions were genuine and I’m the final decision maker on who wins the competition.

    There can only be One winner in this competition, but what I’m willing to do is give everyone else who’s interested in having a Logo designed a 25% discount if they hire me to do their Logo.

    You’ll know the winner soon enough. If you have any other questions you can ask them but they won’t get an entry unfortunately.

    I hope I don’t get too much slack from the winner I choose and that the rest of the entrants will understand.

    Stay tuned

  6. Andre Bothma Avatar


    Will you be publishing the rationale behind your decision, or is it a case of confidential adjudication;)?

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