Heard the name Joshua Davis? If you’ve been into any kind of digital creative for some time you might have encountered the legendary digital artist who’s inspired some of the biggest brands out there to make use of his computer generated abstract art in their marketing efforts. Some of these Brands include – BMW, Motorola, Nike, Volkswagen, Sony, HBO, Canon & Nokia to name a few.
Hillman Curtis has done an excellent video piece on the BMW project to give you an insight into the world which Joshua Davis inhabits
The HTML 5 <canvas> element
Onto the scene steps HTML 5 and more specifically it’s Canvas element, turning the blank screen into a virtual blank canvas of 2D vector expression which allows artists like Joshua to unleash their special Brand of digital creativity. Add the brilliance of the Mix Online development team and you end up with a blend of creativity and modern web technology which allows the rest of us to enter the realm of the digital art space.
The Mix Digital team has developed a Javascript framework which plugs into the HTML Canvas element
Okapi is an open-source framework for building digital, generative art in HTML5 brought to you by Joshua Davis Studios and MIX Online. Mix Online Labs – http://visitmix.com/Lab
Okapi.js was commissioned by Microsoft to celebrate the launch of their latest and most HTML 5 compliant browser IE9. Finally a step in the right direction for Microsoft in the browser battles.
Using the Okapi.js framework, Joshua Davis created the Endless Mural project, where the drawing platform can be used by anyone with an HTML5 compliant browser to generate their own unique artworks to contribute to and enter the drawing competition.
The Interface allows for manipulation of vector symbols and pictograms, and controlling the patterns and textures they create by setting their speed, angle and rotation in various ways. The results are very random and abstract right down the alleyway of Joshua Davis’ unique style.
Here’s what I muddled together
You can watch my creation process online by visiting – http://endlessmural.com/#8833 to see how the elements spiral and grow, sprout and burst into the final chaotic vector garden which I created.
The Digital Space is surely getting really interesting with these new technologies opening up untapped avenues and making it more accessible to the rest of us. This is just one example of how HTML 5 is being leveraged. I’d like to hear what other interesting examples you’ve come across recently.
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