As most of us know twitter has very much entered the mainstream with just about every kind of web user setting up their own account. New twitter apps seem to be arriving on the scene on a daily basis and the platform has seen it’s fair share of extension and adaptation of late.
To Follow or not to follow, that’s a good question
One really frustrating part of keeping your account updated with relevant tweeps(twitter peeps) is having to scratch through their tweets and see whether it meets with your criteria.
Enter onto the scene
A really cool Russian guy I’ve recently been following on twitter is @kovshenin, has released an extremely useful little twitter app which allows you to quickly have a look see what your prospective followee has been tweeting about so you know whether to add them to your list. I always hate having to follow and then unfollow soon after when I realize @so&so just isn’t tweeting down my alleyway.
Here’s how works is a Twitter service that can provide you with the most detailed information about a specific Twitter user in the least amount of time! Here’s how it works.
You input a Twitter name into the searchbox and hit enter. gets access to the profile of that user via the Twitter API, scans all the public info and the latest 200 tweets!
You can decide within a few seconds whether to follow back, making it super easy to build a realy solid twitter network without all the hassle of being a private investigator. I’ll call it “The Sherlock Holmes of the twittersphere”. Give it a whirl, I’ve tried it a few times and you’ll be surprized what you find out about certainer tweeps! I’ve even ran it on myself just to see what I’m interested in – LOL.
Here’s what I look like in twitterspeak –
Thanks buddy, you’re so great! So happy to have you as a friend dude, you totally rock!