A few weeks ago you may have noticed a very disgruntled post on my blog regarding a theme I purchased. The Theme is called WPremix and since my post a number of developments have taken place.
Firstly R. Bhavesh, the theme developer responded to my post and refunded my purchase. We then started a discussion regarding my gripe, that being the wordpress templates not being editable through the admin post/page edit interface.
I recommended Bhavesh use custom fields but I agree as he said, that it would still be a bit of a mission for the average user to edit many custom fields for each template.
Bhavesh subsequently contracted a plugin developer to fix up the template editor he had initially sold along with the plugin. After a few rounds of Beta testing, which I was part of it seems the new WP Remix 2.0 is strides ahead of version on and truly a great tool for turning wordpress into a customisable CMS.
One of the downsides is the styling of the new version, though changeable through various theme options is a little less slick than before, though that’s not too much of a problem for someone with a little CSS knowledge. WP Remix is a great developer tool for web designers working with wordpress and wanting to rapidly develop custom sites for their clients.
The new version comes with even more templates, 50 I think which are coded to comply with web standards and browser differences.
WP Remix 2.0 – the only theme on the net that offers WYSIWYG page template editing.
Over 50 page templates to choose from. Web standards, Colorschemes, Usability, grid, typography… you ask for it, it has all in it!
Only one problem for me is my AVG anti-virus keeps recognising the advanced plugin editor file as a virus and either deletes is or puts it into my virus vault. Something Bhavesh has not managed to resolve yet. I believe it has been tested using Kaspersky and is free of viruses, but some part of the coding seems to show up suspicious by AVG Free.
I have a new project which I think this theme would be perfect for and will post up a link once it’s done for testing and showcase purposes.
Bhavesh has also promised all add-ons and additional templates will be provided for free to buyers. So far so good and I think this project is gonna be one to watch as it grows.
I’d love to see this level of theme templating mixed with Woothemes’ slick coolness.
I’m glad it worked out for you well.
I have always had quick & pleasant dealings with the author of this.
I just purchased the upgrade to the new theme & the documentation is excellent.
I’m considering purchasing the WP Remix v. 2.3 theme, but I’m a little concerned. There doesn’t seem to be much support from staff and many, many people are complaining about page templates and the visual editor for pages.
I was wondering if you’ve had any more recent experience with this theme, and if so, how is it for you / would you recommend me purchasing it?
Hi Marc, I have tested out the theme, and though the 2.0 version seems to be much more advanced and user friendly, you need to be a bit of a CSS expert to reskin the templates. It is a very versatile theme though, but some have complained it is complicated. How much of an advanced understanding of wordpress coding do you have? I’d say choosing this theme would require having a good wordpress knowledge as well as good knowledge of CSS. I haven’t seen the latest documentation though so it might ave improved.