Working on the SA Climate Crisis logo design for Andre Bothma, lead me to finding some interesting resources online. There’s a ton of stuff out there to help us focus on cutting down our carbon footprints and live a life which is less taxing on the environment. One site in particular,, has a collection of resources which though very simplistic in nature does an excellent job in conveying the appropriate information without all the jargon and confusing bar charts.
The following mind map is an excellent example and is available for free to download, spread and share with everyone. It gives simple practical solutions we can all identify with and can definitely start working on right now.
A Few other mindmaps found on the same site explain the impact and science of Global Warming in a plain and simple manner. These can all be found on a mind maps page which conveys a straightforward yet highly effective message in a visual language we can all understand.
Why use Mindmaps?
Mind maps are an excellent tool for conveying a mixture of elements & ideas especially when these ideas are linked together. A mind map can condense a whole body of knowledge into a single diagram thereby shorting the time it takes to explain something complex in a dragged out step by step manner.
The mind-maps have been collated and expanded upon in the e-book developed by Jane Genovese, public speaker, university graduate of Law and Arts and passionate global warming advocate.
The drawings and mind maps developed to convey her message connect with the viewer even though they have been roughly sketched with simple ink pens found in any child’s stationery kit.
It shows the author’s deep understanding of the subject and appreciation for human interaction and communication.
The structure of this beautifully put together little e-book is another point to note. It takes the reader through a necessary cycle from the point of apathy, to the wake up call, why there is a need to change, what to change and how to change it. The author’s understanding of psychology helps her get inside the mind of the person on the street and understand the thought processes and emotions involved in this issue.
Why We Need Change
Chapter 1: Waking Up
Chapter 2: Understanding Global Warming
Chapter 3: The Big Polluters
Chapter 4: Too Close for Comfort: OverpopulationWhat to Change
Chapter 5: You Have the Power!
Chapter 6: What about the Government?How to Change
Chapter 7: It’s Time for Change
Chapter 8: Goal Setting for a Liveable Planet
Chapter 9: Connecting with NatureWho Has Changed
Chapter 10: It’s OK, You’re Not Alone!
It goes to show that big budgets are not necessarily a major requirement to producing and spreading ideas which can change the world.
Spread the word
I recommend taking a look at, viewing the mind maps page , downloading the e-book and maybe sharing it with your friends, family, colleagues, whoever. Blog about it, print the mind maps and stick them up somewhere where they could make a difference.
A huge thanks to Jane Genovese for the excellent work put into producing such engaging content for such an important issue.
please email me more info on glabal warming i need it for a SA for school!!!!!!!!!!