Chris Garret – on blogging and internet marketing

On the lookout for new tricks and techniques to get my blog and those of my clients more airtime I came across Chris Garret (a professional blogger and online media consultant).

Chris Garret on new media

You might ask, what is a professional blogger, isn’t blogging just some kind of hobby or something someone does in their spare time. If that’s what you thought you’re about to learn what you’ve been missing all this time.

One area where professionals and companies can really make some headway with their blogs is by establishing themselves as an authority on a certain subject. Chris Garret has done this in the area of consulting on blogging. Chris mentions a bit about making money from blogging and lists the key ways people make money from blogging directly. For your company though or even privately if you’re out to get yourself known and to make the right kind of connections then you better know a little bit about the subject matter which surrounds what you do. You might not want to make advertising revenue from your blog but it is most definitely a sure fire way of getting people interested in the products or services you offer to come your way and see you as an expert on the subject.

In terms of using a blog to generate interest around your company, your products or services or expertise Chris provides some insightful information in an article discussing how blogs can prove to be a successful sales generating tool. The advice ChrisG provides on his site is invaluable when it comes to how to establish your blog and get it known, how to keep it updated with the right type of content and how to make the most of it on many levels.

For example one bit of advice Chris gives on his site is concerned with commenting. Commenting is one of the beautiful things about blogs which previous generations of websites just never seemed to get quite right. For a website to be a real dialogue and to be termed as interactive you need to be engaged with your readers. I say readers firstly because content is the key to maintaining a constant flow of visitors. Engaging with them and allowing them to interact with you by commenting on what you have written takes the relationship to a new level. Once you have established yourself as a provider of good content for a specific area of interest and people have started visiting your blog they will start interacting with you. Chris provides an interesting set of tips on why commenting is a good thing for your blog (check it out here).

All in all I’ve learnt alot just putting this post together and can see Chris Garret has a wealth of knowledge on the subject of blogging and how to boost your blog and boost your business through your blog so be sure to bookmark his site ( as a priority resource for business and blog development.


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