There is a legend about a lion and three bulls who were in the jungle. One of them was white, one was yellow, and one was black. The lion was not able to eat these three bulls because if he came near them, they would all stand up together, and each one of them would face the lion, so he could not eat them. The lion began to think about how he could get them to become divided.
He saw the bulls grazing once, and he approached the black and the yellow ones, and he said, “You know that white one over there” He kind of looks like the people around here. He’s different from us. Why don’t you let me eat him?”
The two bulls said, “Yeah, go ahead. Get rid of him.” So, the lion went and ate the white one.
Then, the next day, the lion came to the yellow bull, and he said, “Haven’t you noticed that you and I look the same? We have the same color. We’re really cousins! And this black one over here-he’s different from you. So, why don’t you let me eat him?” The yellow one said, “Yeah, you’re right. Go ahead.”
So, the lion went and ate him. Then, on the third day, the lion came for the yellow bull and said, “I’m going to eat you.” The yellow one replied, “I was eaten the day you ate the white one.”
– sourced from
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